I am a psychologist working online. Clients usually like me because I am calm, empathic, thorough and have a good grasp of methodology.
I use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).
A session costs 70 euros and lasts 55 minutes.
You can book a session with me by e-mail or Telegram.
My areas of expertise
I work with the variety of psychological disorders and life difficulties that people face. If you feel like there’s some confusing stuff going on in your life – you can come in with that. We can work together to find out what’s going on and what to do about it.
I have professional interests – what I work with most and best:
- The effects of psychological trauma (PTSD and complex PTSD).
- Borderline personality disorder and other severe emotion regulation problems.
- Autism spectrum disorders. We work with autistic clients to treat co-occurring disorders, I help them to learn skills that can be helpful and to build a full and joyful life.
I only work with adults.
I do not work with eating disorders, psychotic conditions or addictions (unless they are symptoms of another disorder).
How do I work?
I respect the personality and confidentiality of my clients, I respect the ethics of the profession, I discuss my work with my supervisor on a weekly basis and I attend intervision sessions. If necessary, I refer clients to psychiatrists with whom I work for further diagnosis and pharmacotherapy.
I use three psychological approaches in my work:
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Dialectical Behavioural Therapy
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
I’m a member of the Russian Dialectical Behavioral Association (ADBT) and the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ASBC).
What does the therapy look like?
Therapy is a clearly structured process with a certain logic, it involves regular sessions. One-off or chaotic sessions are unlikely to produce the desired results.
There are four stages to therapy:
- We clarify the problems and goals of the therapy, and together we develop a clear concept of what is happening.
- We discuss and agree a plan and duration of therapy
- We work towards our goals using evidence-based protocols and common sense.
- We work on relapse prevention, booster sessions and closure.
The duration of the session is 55 minutes.
Usually meetings are held once a week. In some cases it is possible to meet twice a week or twice a month, as well as unscheduled meetings (to be discussed individually).
The duration of the course of therapy depends on protocol recommendations as well as individual enquiry.
My education
2009 National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia. Bachelor degree
2020 Manchester University, Great Britain. MA in Counselling
Additional education
2020 Fundamentals of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Becompany Training Centre, 100 academic hours
2021 Fundamentals of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Becompany Training Centre, 30 academic hours
2021 Self-study group of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. With methodological support of Linehan Institute. 90 academic hours
2022 Intensive training in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, B-Tech Training Centre, 30 academic hours
2022 Case management in working with clients with addiction disorder, MHC School, 6 hours
2022 IPSRT Training, 3C Institute, 8 hours
2022 Short-term counselling for victims of domestic violence, Labirint non-profit organisation, 16 hours
2023 Harned Consulting, USA. Intensive training Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Prolonged Exposure, 30 hours
2023 National Autistic Society, UK, courses Autism & Communication, Autism & Sensory Experience